The Soap Barn Free Valentines' Day Recipe Book
Chunky Heart Soaps |
Hot Stuff - Love Sauce |
Hot Stuff - Love Paste |
Heart and Rose Soap |
Hot Stuff - Love Spice |
Body Butter Love Candle |
Hot Stuff – Love Rub |
Laced Soap Hearts |
Painted Heart Soaps |
Scented Hearts |
Heart Wrapping |
Valentines Gift Pack for Ladies |
Valentines Gift Pack for Men |
Valentines Romantic Bath Butters |
Valentines Massage Candle |
Valentines Massage Bar |
Valentines Scented Paste Candle |
Valentines Soap Mobiles |
Valentines Floating Soaps |
Valentines Chunky Heart Soap |
Valentines Strawberry Ice-Cream Soap |
Soap Candies |
Valentines Soap Cup Cakes |
Valentines Bath Jelly |
Valentines White Satin Perfume |
Valentines Love Scrub |
Valentines Love Soaps |
Chunky Heart Soaps
1 Roasting Pan (Chocolate Den)
2kg Red strawberry glycerine (Soap Barn)
2kg White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
20ml Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heart cookie cutter (Chocolate Den)
The first thing you need to do is cut your red soap into 1cm slices. Then cut a red heart out of each slice with your cookie cutter. Place your red hearts on the bottom of the roasting pan and press them down firmly so they don’t move. You can check if they are properly stuck down by holding your pan upside down. Those hearts that fall out – weren’t properly stuck! Please them down again firmly. Take all the red soap left from the slices and put it in a plastic jug for melting or in a small pot.
Melt your white Farmhouse soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. When it is melted you can add the cherry fragrance.
Pour the white soap over the red hearts till the roasting pan is filled and the hearts are covered. Leave this layer to set.
When the first layer is set melt your red strawberry soap. It must be very hot when you pour it over the first layer to don’t wait for it to cool. If you pour it too cool the two layers won’t stick. The strawberry soap needs to melt the first layer a tiny bit for them to stick properly. This can only happen if the soap is hot (not boiling!)
When the red layer has set melt your white soap again. Then pour the white soap into the tin over the red layer. Again, this soap needs to be hot enough to melt the red layer just a little so they stick together. Leave the soap about 6 hours to set.
When the soap is set and cold un-mould it onto the counter and cut into lovely thick Valentines’ chunks with a large non-serrated knife.
Hot Stuff - Love Sauce
500ml Liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
glass bottle (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here
Mix a couple of drops of colouring and 40 drops of fragrance into your 500ml jar of liquid soap. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap. Use a funnel to fill your glass bottle. Print out the fabulous Hot Stuff labels and stick them on the bottles. Have a fabulous bubble bath with your partner on Valentines’ Day.
Hot Stuff - Love Paste
500ml Aqueous Cream (Soap Barn)
100ml Glycerine (Soap Barn)
200ml Urea (Soap Barn)
100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
10ml Cherry fragrance
Glass jars (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here
Place your aqueous cream in your blender. Mix the urea in the glycerine and add that solution to the aqueous. Melt the shea butter and add that also into the blender. Finally add your fragrance and blend all ingredients well. Share this wonderful body lotion on Valentines’ Day with your partner for soft smooth cherry skin.
Heart and Rose Soap
Requirements for Roses:
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Cookie Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Kebab Sticks (Chocolate Den)
PVC boxes for packaging (Soap Barn)
Method for Roses:
(For step-by-step method with pictures please see Recipe No. 50 in Soap Barn Book 2 on this website.
Or click here to watch the step-by-step video
For glycerine soap flowers: Melt your white soap gently either in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. When your soap has melted add the flexine. You will need 50% flexine to the soap you melt for flowers.
For Farmhouse soap flowers: Melt your white soap gently either in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. You will not need flexine to make flowers out of Farmhouse soap.
Add 10ml cherry fragrance to your soap. Pour the soap onto your counter in long narrow strips and leave about five minutes to set. With a knife cut a straight line across the bottom of the soap strip.
Draw another line 1cm above that with the back of a knife. This must just be a marking and must not cut through your soap. Cut plastic cookie cutters in half with a pair of scissors so that they are open ended. Using the 1cm marked line as your guide cut all the way along the soap strip with your cookie cutter.
Roll up each strip. Put a kebab stick through the bottom of each roll (where the 1cm marking was) to hold it in place. Now fold back each petal of the flower, starting from the outside moving in.
Paint the top edges of each petal with red liquid colouring.
Leave the roses a couple of hours to harden if you are using Farmhouse soap but a day to dry and harden if you are using glycerine soap. You can then remove the kebab sticks and cut off the 1cm base with a sharp knife. Your flowers are now ready for sticking on the strawberry heart soaps. Pour a little melted strawberry soap on the heart and immediately place your rose on top.
Requirements for Roses:
1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
Red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Method for Roses:
Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Hot Stuff - Love Spice
Coarse bath salt (Soap Barn)
Dried flowers: Patchouli and Hibiscus (Soap Barn)
Patchouli fragrance (Soap Barn)
Salt grinders (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here
Put your coarse salts in a bowl, add your dried flowers and your fragrance. Fill your grinders. Label with fabulous Hot Stuff labels.
Body Butter Love Candle
250g Soy Wax (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
Patchouli Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)
Heart box container (Soap Barn)
Melt the soy wax in the microwave for three and a half minutes. When melted add 10ml patchouli fragrance. You can colour the mixture red with your red oil colouring but only use one or two drops!. Position your wick in the middle of the heart box and make sure it stays upright by placing kebab sticks on either side. Leave to set.
Using Body Butter Candles – For you and your partner on Valentines’ Day
Light the candle and let the wax melt. Use the warm melted wax to rub all over your body for the softest, smoothest skin. This makes a wonderful romantic gift for couples to share on Valentine’s Day.
Hot Stuff – Love Rub
100ml Avocado Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Sweet Almond Oil (Soap Barn)
Coarse Salt (Soap Barn)
10ml Patchouli fragrance (Soap Barn)
2 teaspoons dried patchouli (Soap Barn)
2 teaspoons dried hibiscus (Soap Barn)
Glass jars (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here
Pour the 100ml avocado oil into a glass bowl and add 100ml sweet almond oil, patchouli fragrance, dried hibiscus and dried patchouli. Then add your coarse salt, stirring and mixing the scrub thoroughly until you get a thick paste. The paste must not be runny. Divide the scrub into your jars and label with fabulous Hot Stuff labels.
Applying the scrub – For you and your partner on Valentines’ Day
In the shower put a scoop full of scrub into the palm of your hand. With a washing motion rub the scrub all over your body. Massage the treatment into the skin till it tingles. Then wash off the scrub with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. The rich oils nourish and feed your skin while the salt cleanses, exfoliates and relaxes the muscles. After this scrub your body feels renewed and revitalised and stays that way throughout the day.
Laced Soap Hearts
1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Make holes in your moulded soaps with a kebab stick. Then thread your ribbon through the holes for a fabulous laced effect.
Painted Heart Soaps
1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Pour some soap colouring into a saucer. Then draw patterns on your soaps by dipping a toothpick into the colouring. The colouring will eventually spread and you will have beautiful red and white patterned soaps.
Scented Hearts
Perfume or Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Large scented hanging heart or small heart (Soap Barn)
Lustre Sparkle (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Pour about a teaspoon of perfume or fragrance onto your heart base. You can use the large heart with hole in it for hanging and the small heart for cars or cupboards. Spread the perfume or fragrance so that it covers the entire heart. Leave it to sink in and absorb. Then you can rub some lustre sparkle on top for shimmer and effect. Tie a nice ribbon through the hole if you are using the large heart. This perfumed heart makes a wonderful gift on Valentines’ Day. Hang it in a bathroom, cupboard, kitchen or car for wonderful fragrance and freshness.
Heart Wrapping
1 rectangular soap mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heart patterned plastic sheets (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it into your moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Wrap your soaps with gorgeous heart patterned plastic sheets. Then tie organza ribbon around them to complete the gift.
You can also use the plastic heart wrapping to cover your bubble bath and hand wash bottles for Valentine’s gifts
Valentines Gift Pack for Ladies
Requirements for Codes Perfume:
50ml Codes perfume (Soap Barn)
500ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Glass perfume bottles (Soap Barn)
Heart stickers (Chocolate Den)
Method for Codes Perfume:
Add the 50ml Codes perfume to 500ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Now bottle your mixture in glass perfume bottles. Decorate with heart stickers.
Requirements for Codes Hand Lotion:
500ml lotion base (Soap Barn)
50ml Codes Perfume (Soap Barn)
Liquid pink colouring (Soap Barn)
Glass bottle (Soap Barn)
Heart stickers (Chocolate Den)
Method for Codes Hand Lotion:
Melt your 500ml lotion base in the microwave for three minutes or until it is melted. Put the melted base into a pot on the stove over a low heat. Add 3lt warm water from the tap. Heat your mixture gently till the water and lotion have blended into a smooth and creamy mixture. Add your fragrance and colouring and decant into a jar or bottle
Requirements for Codes Hand Soap:
500ml un-fragranced liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Codes Perfume (Soap Barn)
Liquid pink colouring (Soap Barn)
Glass bottle (Soap Barn)
Heart stickers (Chocolate Den)
Method for Codes Hand Soap:
Mix 5ml Codes perfume into your liquid soap. Add a drop or two of pink liquid colouring. Stir through well. Now you can pour your hand soap into a glass bottle.
Valentines Gift Pack for Men
Please click here to print out Mint labels
Please click here to print out Car Pack labels
Please click here to print out Car Pack labels
Requirements for Mint Car Perfume:
100ml Mint fragrance (Soap Barn)
500ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Glass perfume bottles (Soap Barn)
Method for Mint Car Perfume:
Add the 100ml mint fragrance to 500ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Now bottle your mixture in glass perfume bottles.
Requirements for Mint Hand Lotion:
500ml lotion base (Soap Barn)
100ml mint Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Liquid green colouring (Soap Barn)
Glass bottle (Soap Barn)
Method for Mint Hand Lotion:
Melt your 500ml lotion base in the microwave for three minutes or until it is melted. Put the melted base into a pot on the stove over a low heat. Add 3lt warm water from the tap. Heat your mixture gently till the water and lotion have blended into a smooth and creamy mixture. Add your fragrance and colouring and decant into a jar or bottle
Requirements for Waterless Mint Hand Wash:
500ml Waterless hand wash (Soap Barn)
Mint Perfume (Soap Barn)
Glass bottle (Soap Barn)
Method for Waterless Mint Hand Wash:
Mix 2ml mint fragrance into your waterless hand wash. Stir through well. Feed your mixture into your glass bottle with the help of a funnel.
Requirements for Mint Face Cooling Spray:
20ml Mint fragrance (Soap Barn)
100ml Fragrance emulsifier (Soap Barn)
Liquid green colouring (Soap Barn)
500ml Distilled water
Glass perfume bottles (Soap Barn)
Method for Mint Face Cooling Spray:
Add the 20ml mint fragrance to 100ml fragrance emulsifier and mix through well. Add this mixture to 500ml distilled water and add a drop or two of green liquid colouring. Now bottle your mixture in glass perfume bottles.
Valentines Romantic Bath Butters
4 Tablespoons cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
6 Tablespoons shea butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons sweet almond oil (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons beeswax (Soap Barn)
1 small heart mould (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
Codes perfume (Soap Barn)
Melt the cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond oil and beeswax in a pan directly on the stove over a low heat. When melted add 20ml Codes perfume and two or three drops of red oil colouring. Leave the mixture to cool a while and then pour into your mould. Leave your butters to stand for about 20 minutes and then put them in the freezer for 5 - 10 minutes to set hard. Once set, un-mould them and package them in paper cups in a box. Drop a couple of bath butters into your bath for a rich, luxurious romantic bath on Valentine’s Day.
Valentines Massage Candle
250g Soy Wax (Soap Barn)
50ml Coconut oil
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
Codes perfume (Soap Barn)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)
Melt the soy wax in the microwave for three and a half minutes. When melted add the coconut oil and 20ml Codes perfume. You can colour the mixture red with your red oil colouring but only use one or two drops!. Position your wick in the middle of the shimmering heart box and make sure it stays upright by placing kebab sticks on either side. Leave to set.
The Magic of Massage Candles:
Light the candle and let the wax melt. Use the warm melted wax to rub all over your body for the softest, smoothest skin. This makes a wonderful romantic gift for couples to share on Valentine’s Day.
Requirements for Shimmering Heart Boxes:
1kg plaster of paris (Soap Barn)
Hollow heart box moulds (Chocolate Den)
White cold/wood glue (Ponal Wood Glue)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Method for making Shimmering Heart Boxes:
Mix the plaster of paris with warm water till you have a porridge consistency. Fill the hollow box mould and lid with the mixture and tap both parts on the counter to remove air bubbles. Leave both halves overnight to set. When they are well set they will come out of the moulds very easily. Leave them to dry in the sun for a day or two till they are white in colour and light in weight. Now mix some lustre sparkle into your wood glue and paint the outside of the box and lid. Leave an hour to dry. Once dry you can fill with melted soy wax for a romantic, Valentine's massage candle.
Valentines Massage Bar
4 Tablespoons cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
6 Tablespoons shea butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons sweet almond oil (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons beeswax (Soap Barn)
1 bar mould with hearts (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
Codes perfume (Soap Barn)
Melt the cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond oil and beeswax in a pan directly on the stove over a low heat. When melted add 20ml Codes perfume and two or three drops of red oil colouring. Leave the mixture to cool a while and then pour into your mould. Leave your massage bar to stand for about 20 minutes and then put it in the freezer for 5 - 10 minutes to set hard. Once set, un-mould it and package it in cellophane and a PCV Box. Use on Valentine’s Day and treat your partner to a wonderful massage.
Valentines Scented Paste Candle
250ml Candle Paste (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
50ml Codes perfume (Soap Barn)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)
Melt the candle paste in a pot on the stove. It will not melt in the microwave. When melted add 50ml Codes perfume. Colour the past red with your red oil colouring. Position your wick in the middle of the shimmering heart box and make sure it stays upright by placing kebab sticks on either side. Leave to set.
Brand New Candle Paste!
Introduced for the first time ever at The Soap Barn. Formulated at the Soap Barn especially for our favourite customers! New candle paste has a burning time longer than any other candle wax. I burned 250ml of scented candle paste for 48 hours and it could have gone on for at least another 48 hours. The paste holds and retains fragrance better than any other candle wax. It has a fragrance throw that is stronger and more powerful than any other wax. Burning just one paste candle fragranced my entire shop and it could be smelled over and above the numerous competing fragrances at The Soap Barn. If you love scented candles then our new Candle Paste for Scented Candles is a MUST for you!
Requirements for Shimmering Heart Boxes:
1kg plaster of paris (Soap Barn)
Hollow heart box moulds (Chocolate Den)
White cold/wood glue (Ponal Wood Glue)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Method for making Shimmering Heart Boxes:
Mix the plaster of paris with warm water till you have a porridge consistency. Fill the hollow box mould and lid with the mixture and tap both parts on the counter to remove air bubbles. Leave both halves overnight to set. When they are well set they will come out of the moulds very easily. Leave them to dry in the sun for a day or two till they are white in colour and light in weight. Now mix some lustre sparkle into your wood glue and paint the outside of the box and lid. Leave an hour to dry. Once dry you can fill with melted soy wax for a romantic, Valentine's massage candle.
Valentines Soap Mobiles
Red glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Heart moulds (Soap Barn)
String - Fishing line would be best
Stickers (Chocolate Den)
Ribbon (Soap Barn)
Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Leave to cool till a skin forms on the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature. Now pour the soap into the mould right to the top. Leave to set. When un-moulded make a hole through the heart with a kebab stick. Thread the soaps onto the string finishing with a pretty bow. Hang this mobile in your bathroom for love and romance on Valentine's Day.
Valentines Floating Soaps
Red glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Soap mould SB78 (Soap Barn)
Polystyrene board (Chocolate Den)
Stickers (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Place your heart mould upside down on the polystyrene board and draw around it to get the exact shape and size. Now cut your heart shape out of the polystyrene board with a non-serrated knife. Cut inside the heart shape you have drawn so that the heart you cut out is smaller than the size of the mould.
Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Leave it too cool and then fill one quarter of your mould with soap. Place the polystyrene heart you have just cut out on top of the soap you have poured and leave it to set. When the soap has set you can re-heat the soap in your jug and fill in the rest of the mould. The polystyrene will now be totally covered and your soap will appear solid. When it is set you can un-mould it gently and decorate it with heart stickers and ribbon.
Enjoy his and hers floating soaps in a romantic bath for two on Valentine’s Day.
Valentines Chunky Heart Soap
Red glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Soap mould SB42 (Soap Barn)
Bulldog Clips (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC box for packaging (Soap Barn)
Cut the half heart shapes out of your mould, leaving about 1cm around the edges. Then cut a small half moon (size of 10c piece) out of the one heart at the edge near the top. Clip the moulds together with bulldog clips. You will have a complete heart shape with a small hole on the one side for filling.
Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Leave it too cool quite substantially. Pour your soap into the mould and leave to set. When the soap is set remove the bulldog clips and take 3D heart soap out of mould. Place in a PVC box for neat packaging.
Valentines Strawberry Ice-Cream Soap
500ml Soap Gel (Soap Barn)
Strawberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red soap colouring (Soap Barn)
PVC heart box (Chocolate Den)
Please click here to print out Strawberry Ice-Cream Soap labels
Melt your soap gel in the microwave for two minutes. When it is melted add your strawberry fragrance and your red liquid colouring. Mix well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Now pour the strawberry ice-cream mixture into the bottom of the PVC hearts. Leave it to set. When the gel has set place the lids on the box and put the Strawberry Ice-Cream Soaps into the freezer to freeze. Use these delicious icy soaps on a hot Valentine’s night to cool off.
Soap Candies
Turkish Delights Jelly Babies
Strawberry Bon-Bons Lollipops
Wine Gums
A lollipop mould
A turkish delight mould
A strawberry bon-bon mould
A jelly baby mould
A wine gum mould
500g clear marula glycerine soap
500g red strawberry glycerine soap
500g white milk and honey glycerine soap
Cellophane for packaging
Cellophane bags for packaging
White powder colouring
Lollipop sticks
Chocolate foil and wrapper
Paper chocolate cases
Chocolate boxes
Soap stickers
Please click here to print out labels for this recipe
Soap candies are really easy and loads of fun to make. You can start off by placing all your moulds on the counter where you can reach all of them easily. Now you can start melting your soaps. Melt each colour separately in a small glass or plastic jug in the microwave for thirty seconds. Take care not to overheat or burn your soap because when it boils it loses its clarity and elasticity. It becomes brittle and murky. Not nice!
The next step is pouring the soaps. Remember to leave the soap to cool a little once it is melted. When it forms a skin on top it is ready to pour. An important tip when making soap candies is to pour your soap right to the top of each mould. When you under fill a mould the soap is difficult to unmould once set.
The red and clear soap must get poured into the turkish delight mould, the jelly baby mould, the wine gum mould and the lollipop mould. Leave those aside to set.
Pour red soap into the strawberry of the bon-bon mould. Leave it to set. Once it has set you can pour your white mould on top of that to fill the mould. Make sure the white soap is still quite hot because it needs to melt the red soap a little otherwise they won’t bond. Leave them for two hours to set.
When your strawberry bon-bons have set unmould them and place each one individually in a paper chocolate case. You can even wrap them in chocolate foil if you like. Then package them in your chocolate box.
When the Turkish delights have set unmould them. Take a thick, soft haired brush and dip it into the white powder colouring. Now dust the Turkish delights with white powder to look like icing sugar. Then place each Turkish delight into a single paper case. They can all get packaged into your second chocolate box.
When the jelly babies have set unmould them and package them in a cellophane bag.
When the lollipops have set unmould them. Place them on your counter, facing down (flat side on the counter). Now take a lollipop stick and push it through a half round all the way through till it reaches the counter. Now lift it up, place a matching second half on top of it and push the stick through the second half – although not right through. Now cut appropriate size squares of cellophane and wrap them around the lollipops. Secure the cellophane in position with a piece of sellotape at the base of the lollipop around the stick.
When the wine gums have set unmould them. Now take your apple corer and cut circles out of the already moulded soaps. This will make them the right size and shape for wine gums. Put them all together and roll them in cellophane. Close the cellophane on either side of the roll by twisting it.
Finally you need to place the soap stickers on all your soap candies. This is to let everyone know that although they look exactly like the real thing, they are in fact soaps and not edible.
Valentines Soap Cup Cakes
White milk and honey glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Cup cake mould (Soap Barn)
Gently melt the soap (red and whie in separate jugs) in the microwave on defrost. Leave to cool till a skin forms on top of the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature.
The cup cake mould is made up of two parts. The top part which is the cherry and icing and the bottom part which is the cup cake itself.
Sprinkle your glitter into the top half of your cup cake mould. Pour a little white soap into the ‘cherry’ section of the mould and leave to set. Then fill the top of the cup cake with red.
Fill the bottom of the cup cake with white soap pouring into the mould right to the top. Leave to set.
When both halves are set (top and bottom) unmould them. Pour a little melted soap onto the bottom half of the cup cake and quickly place the top half on top. The top and bottom should now be sticking together as one. Place your cup cake in a box and tie around organza ribbon.
Valentines Bath Jelly
Cellulose (Soap Barn)
Strawberry fragrance and red liquid colouring(Soap Barn)
500ml liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Heart pearls (Chocolate Den)
Plastic jar (Soap Barn)
Bubble bath sticker (Soap Barn)
Measure 4 level tablespoons of cellulose and put them into your jug. Add 50 drops of strawberry fragrance and two drops of red colouring. Now pour half a cup of just boiled water over the cellulose and stir very well till all the cellulose has dissolved. Now add one cup of clear bubble bath to your mixture. Again, mix this through very well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Leave to cool and thicken. Pour your jelly into a jar and leave to almost set. When your mixture is thick and cool scatter your heart pearls over the top. They will gently sink down and remain suspended. Place a bubble bath sticker on your jar. Leave overnight to set and then seal with the lid. Bath jelly is wonderful bubble bath. Place some scoops of jelly into the bath under the running hot water for a fabulous bubble bath.
Valentines White Satin Perfume
10ml White Satin fragrance (Soap Barn)
50ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
6 10ml pencil sprays and PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)
Please click here to print out White Satin Perfume labels
Add the 10ml White Satin fragrance to 50ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Now bottle your mixture in 6 10ml spray bottles or a spray pencil. Package those in PVC envelopes with a good label and decorative stickers. Pencil sprays are wonderful for your handbag and make lovely gifts for your friends.
Valentines Love Scrub
100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Sweet Almond Oil (Soap Barn)
Fine Salt (Soap Barn)
10ml Strawberry fragrance and pink powder colouring (Soap Barn)
2 teaspoons black Cirabelle exfoliate beads
Jars (Soap Barn)
Medium Scoops (Soap Barn)
Gently melt the shea butter in the microwave for 1 minute. Pour the melted shea butter into a glass bowl and add 100ml sweet almond oil, strawberry fragrance, a tiny pinch of pink powder colouring and the black cirabelle beads. Then add your fine salt, stirring and mixing the scrub thoroughly until you get a thick paste. The paste must not be runny. Divide the scrub into your jars and attach a wooden scoop.
Applying the scrub:
In the shower put a scoop full of scrub into the palm of your hand. With a washing motion rub the scrub all over your body. Massage the treatment into the skin till it tingles. Then wash off the scrub with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. The rich oils nourish and feed your skin while the salt cleanses, exfoliates and relaxes the muscles. After this scrub your body feels renewed and revitalised and stays that way throughout the day.
Valentines Love Soaps
250g red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
500g white milk and honey glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Heart soap mould (Soap Barn)
Round cutters or apple corer (Soap Barn)
Cut the red soap into 1cm thick slices. With a round cutter or apple corer cut out round polka dots from the 1cm red soap slices. Place those polka dots onto the bottom of the heart mould and press down firmly. Gently melt the white soap in the microwave on defrost. Pour the white soap into the moulds to cover and surround the red dots. When set you can even add paper roses to the red dots, then place the soap in PVC box with organza ribbon.